Sentimental Sunday: Keeping the Lord Company in the Dark

Benita (McGinnis) McCormick (1889 – 1984)
Phillip Columbus McCormick (1892 – 1981)

Phil and Benita (McGinnis) McCormick’s love affair with Spain began in 1960, when they arrived for a couple of months and ended up living there for a year, making some of the best memories of their lives.  Benita – my great-aunt Detty – also created some of her best art there.  In her untitled ode to Spain below, she painted a loving picture of the country that captured her heart and sparked her imagination.

Iberian Peninsula at night, NASA,
International Space Station, December 4, 2011
Creative Commons; in the public domain


My husband and I used to wonder
About this nocturnal activity of a people.
It puzzles most visitors,
But we think God loves it.
Picture, if you will, El Rey de los cielos
Gazing nightly upon our dark, revolving earth.
All is stygian
Except for a little glimmer
Around New York. 
The Americas are asleep.
Then, gracefully, España spins slowly into view
And warms His heart.
For there below, stepping gaily but with authority,
Heads high, spines straight, toes pointed,
Under the gleaming lights
Of every town and city in Spain,
Pass a proud and beautiful people,
A whole nation of night-walkers,
Laughing and talking
To keep the Lord company in the dark.

Benita McCormick


Copyright ©  2015  Linda Huesca Tully

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