Mystery Monday: Hotel LaRose

Agnes Catherine Gaffney (1872 – 1952) Jane (McCormick) Olson (1927 – 2011) Part Two of Three   Hotel LaRose, Santa Rosa, Califormia. Pencil drawing by Ruth Robertson.  Date unknown. In yesterday’s post, we looked at a book that belonged to my great-grand aunt, Agnes Catherine Gaffney. Agnes, blessed with a beautiful soprano voice, would have sung … Continue reading "Mystery Monday: Hotel LaRose"

Mappy Monday: The Schiavons and the McCormicks in the 1940 Census

  Map shows the walking route that sisters Alice (McGinnis) Schiavon (House “A”) and Benita (McGinnis) McCormick (House “B”) might have taken to visit each other’s families in 1940 Chicago, Illinois.  (Courtesy Google Maps, 2012) Visiting the 1940s Chicago of the Schiavon and the McCormick families, we can see the beginnings of a decade of change for … Continue reading "Mappy Monday: The Schiavons and the McCormicks in the 1940 Census"